Ad Hack Glasgow is a new scheme to reclaim ad spaces in UK cities and neighbourhoods.
Their campaign to reject commercial public advertising and replacing it with original, expressive art from locals has resonated with lots of individuals who are sick of being bombarded by giant, inauthentic ads every time they leave the house.

“You may be a graffiti writer or street artist that hides in the shadows and wants to take over some corporate high visibility ad spaces. You may be a member of the public who just wants to open corporate ad spaces in the city and remove the offending advertisements. Or you may be an activist that wants to raise awareness of your struggle by using the advertising space as a way of reaching the public. Whatever your reason, one thing is clear: a city with fewer ads, more public art and a mixture of stories and voices in public space is a healthier and more representative city.”

“Thanks to globalisation, you can now spend around £12, and get access to over 100,000 ad spaces across the world. Over the last few years Brandalism, PublicAdCampaign, Special Patrol Group and other friends around the world have installed thousands of artworks in ad spaces in various countries.”
Follow the group on Instagram:
Read the “Brandalism” PDF to read more about who they are, what the do and how you can get involved –