Manchester has announced it is a ‘Right To Food’ city, supporting a recent campaign for food to be made accessible as a ‘legal right’ for everyone.
In a recent survey carried out by Childwise, it was confirmed that around 8.4 million people live in poverty in the UK. This devastating new data has been the catalyst for the Right To Food campaign, demanding the government to make the change, allowing food to be a legal right for all citizens.
Manchester City Council have joined Liverpool in supporting the campaign – both cities will be writing a letter to the government in hopes of getting the new law introduced.

“Manchester has a proud history of fighting for peoples’ rights and the needs of our communities, not just locally but nationally. The Council is resolute in our belief that ending food poverty is a cause more than worth fighting for.” states Councillor Bev Craig.
He continues “COVID has led to an increase in the levels of poverty across the country and, as a Council, we have been supportive of campaigns to alleviate hardship and reduce poverty such as the campaign to stop the cut to Universal Credit.
“This is why we are joining the call for towns and cities to come together and demand the Government guarantees the right to food and ends the scandal of food poverty.”
Food voucher initiatives have been introduced in boroughs such as Oldham, where every child is eligible for a £15 voucher, feeding over 17,000 young people.
Manchester United player and local hero, Marcus Rashford, who ignited the national conversation about child poverty has been in direct support of Oldham’s initiative by guiding residents via his social media platforms.
We hope to see the UK government step up and introduce this new law to end child poverty and make food accessible for all.